Every family—and every child—is different, but there are ways all families can set children up for success. Studies show that students are more likely to achieve in elementary school and beyond when their families provide a supportive environment and set goals for the year together.
To set your child up for a great school year:
1.  Set the bar high. Insist on your child’s personal best, but don’t demand perfect grades. Praise effort and progress—even if your child falls short.
2.  Assign chores. Children who have household responsibilities learn how to be responsible. Make a short list of weekly tasks and expect your child to complete them.
3. Teach social skills. A productive learning environment hinges on students’ ability to get along with others. Promote cooperation and courtesy.
4.  Scale back passive screen watching. Set a weekly limit for watching TV, movies and videos.
Extracurricular activities. After-school activities can help students blow off steam and build important skills. Encourage your child to participate in at least one activity this school year. However, remind your child that schoolwork should always be the priority.
5. Be a role model. If you have a positive attitude about school and the day ahead of you, your child is more likely to feel the same way. In addition to reinforcing the value of education, make it a point to attend parent-teacher conferences and school meetings for families. Supervise your child’s work time when possible and show interest in learning.Â
6. Compliment success. When your child works hard, be sure to speak up. This reinforces the connection between effort and the good feeling of success.
7. Link lessons to real life. For example, math skills can help your child calculate batting averages in baseball. A new vocabulary word may show up in a favorite book. Participating in a group project builds teamwork.
8. Â Nurture your relationship. Make time to have fun together. Share a hobby. Play catch in the yard. Express your love by being attentive and supportive.
9.  Take care of yourself. If you’re always stressed, your child will be, too. Carve out time to relax, exercise or curl up with a good book. A calm, peaceful home starts with you.
Children's attitudes about school affect their desire to learn. The start of the new school year is the perfect time to bolster your child's enthusiasm!🍎